It Is About The Consistency In The Fruit

by 12 Nov

(12 November 2022)


I heard the Lord say “Consistency is the key”.

The Lord impressed upon me that there are some of you who are confused regarding certain people in your life. You are stuck in the place between “can they come close” or “can they not come close”. God has given you the freedom to choose who you want close in your life. However, not everyone you “bring in your circle of trust” will be beneficial to you.


We all know Luke 6:43-45 where it talks about the good person bears good fruit and the bad person bad fruit. But this is taking it to a deeper level as some in your life have good fruit and bear good fruit but that does not necessarily mean they are the right ones for your “inner circle” of trust. The missing link is consistency. How someone behaves and handles situations in a similar manner time and time again is a pattern. They might respond differently every once in a while, but their pattern of response is consistent. For example, a person might volunteer to lend you a hand when you need help with a task, but then when you ask them to actually help, something always seems to come up and so they excuse themselves time and time again.


Fruit displays the good or bad in a person spiritually. Consistency, whether good or bad fruit, shows how ingrained a specific fruit is in a behaviour pattern. If someone only wants to hang out with you when they get something out of it personally, but then does not show up if it doesn’t benefit them, the person reveals and portrays that bad fruit behaviour pattern. They might have other good fruit patterns such as always being fun to be around. But the pattern that affects you more on a spiritual level is their bad fruit behaviour pattern as you want friendships where you matter and not what you can give them.


If you choose to not be friends with someone, or not have them in your inner circle because of spiritual behaviour patterns that negatively affect you spiritually, then that is okay. Jesus doesn’t say we have to be friends with everyone. He says to love everyone. You can love people without having them in your inner circle or as friends. Jesus displayed this in His own life. He loved everyone, but He was not friends with everyone. Of His 12 disciples, only three were really His inner circle. Those who “got Him”.


You might at the moment feel guilty for not wanting to pursue certain friendships anymore or for wanting to move certain ones out of your inner circle. God wants you to know that it is okay for you to do so. The fact that you are feeling guilt towards it, shows that the enemy has a foothold over you in that friendship as God does not bring guilt over you. You have freedom in Christ to walk with those who you want to walk with. Choose your friends wisely. Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools suffer harm – Proverbs 13:20.


Be blessed 😊


By Adele Grobler

Soar boldly to greater heights!
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