Motivation Time – Verse & Prayer

by 29 Jul

Romans 12:18 (NIV)

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.


📖In Romans 11 & 12, Paul urges us as Christians to choose to live in harmony with one another and to be generous, hospitable, forgiving, empathetic, and to live at peace with everyone. I think this is a glorious picture of the Christian family into which God calls us as believes, beckoning us into an atmosphere of love, joy, patience, faithfulness, generosity, hospitality, blessing, rejoicing, harmony, humility and peace; where good is not overcome by evil, but evil is overcome with good (Romans 12:9–21).


🙌I’ve been reflecting on worship. I believe Worship is so much more than music  but is a posture of our heart. Worship is about what I choose to say with my tongue. It’s about what I choose to watch… what I think… where I go with my feet… who I choose to bless ~ generously giving to all – even our enemies and those who persecute us. Tough at times, I know firsthand, but Jesus was the exact representation of The Father and He modelled this for us all when He walked here on the planet. Sacrificial love is also a beautiful form of worship I’m starting to see more everyday. 🌟


🙏Lord, today I offer myself as a living sacrifice ~ I am fully available to You. I choose to give everything that I have to you again afresh ~my life,my time, my money, my ambitions, my plans, my hopes and my desires. Show me your good, pleasing and perfect will.  🌟💖


by Candace Foy

Soar boldly to greater heights!
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