Motivation Time – What is Strength?

by 29 Sep

Isaiah 33:6 (NLT)

In that day He will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of the Lord will be your treasure.


What is strength?


As I was sitting with the Lord, asking Him what He wanted to share with me, He started speaking to me about strength. Many of you might be feeling very weak and tired at the moment from all the endless battles that have been coming against you. I hope this blesses you…


God said to me: “What is strength, My daughter? And what does it look like? Is it found in the muscle of a man? Is it found in the heart of a lion? What is strength and where can it be found? Strength is, that when a force or pressure is applied on an object, it does not give way. It is resolute and immovable. That is what true strength is. True strength comes from the power I place within the spirit of a man.


I determine the measure of strength that I pour into each one and I know and understand the pressure and force that will be applied to that object. I know and understand the measure needed to withstand that pressure. Strength is not given in equal measures. You cannot compare one form of strength with another. For it is not only the pressure or force applied to an object, but it is also where the force or pressure is applied.


The weaker part of an object is at its angle. For it is there where two points meet and are the weakest. It gives way easier than when it does not have two points meet. So what does all of this Mean? Strength cannot be measured, and strength cannot be compared. Each object is different and so is the force, pressure and angle of opposition applied to it. I know My creation and I know how much each can bear. I give strength as needed and watch over the objects of My creation when forces are applied. This calls for wisdom and insight.”


Isaiah 33:6 (NLT) – In that day He will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of the Lord will be your treasure.


Take heart brothers and sisters in Christ. God knows how much tension and weight you can bear before breaking point. God is watching over your weak points. He will reinforce and strengthen you. So don’t worry about being strong on your own. For it is God’s strength that carries you through.


Be blessed 😊


by Adele Grobler

Soar boldly to greater heights!
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