Prophetic Word- Be Solid In Your Convictions.

30 Jun

Prophetic Word –Be Solid In Your Convictions – Adele – June 2024


 This word is going to change the trajectory of someone’s life…


This is something that the Lord kept repeating in my quiet time with Him.  As I was asking the Lord, He showed me a vision. I saw a person looking at a map, scratching their head, and looking very confused. I saw thought bubbles of different people in their lives with whom they had conversations. These conversations were in their mind while looking at this map. The more they listened to those thought bubbles and looked at the map, the more confused they became.

This map represented the blueprints or instructions the Lord has given them for different directions in their lives. The Lord then started to speak, saying,

“Be mindful of the well-intended, because not all the well-intended know the right pathway for you.”

 I realized that this person, who was in quite a bit of confusion, had received instructions from the Lord for their season. Yet, they were engaging in conversations with people close to them and not close to them. These people were sharing their opinions on what this person needed to do or how they needed to operate, but these opinions did not align with what God had spoken to them on the map. This was where the confusion started.

 When the Lord said, “Be firm in your convictions,” He meant to be firm in knowing why you are doing what you are doing and how you are doing it. If you are not totally convinced in your heart and mind about the instruction the Lord has given you for your season, you can be easily thrown off track when people offer their opinions on how you should be doing something.

The Lord taught me that He will speak to me first about an instruction or what I need to do. If He has not spoken to me yet, I should not align with what other people say. I should take it all to Him first, seeking His face and asking, “God, this is what these people are saying. Does that line up with what You are telling me?” If it doesn’t, I am to discard it. If it does, I will move in that direction.

This brings us back to where the Bible teaches about wise counsel. The Lord told me to remain in order, meaning to go to Him first before seeking wise counsel. Sometimes the well-intended do not hear or see the same instructions God is giving you, so they might give advice that is good or even godly, but not the exact instruction God gave you, leading to confusion.

 I remember a situation where people close to me spoke something opposite to what God was giving me, and it brought me confusion. I went to the Lord, saying, “God, I’m confused. These are wise counsel speaking into my world. Why am I confused? I thought I was obeying You because this is what You said.” The Lord gently spoke and said, “Adele, you’re in confusion because you are aligning with what people said rather than being firm in the instruction I have given you. You push Me away when you align first with what people are saying rather than coming to Me first. This opens a door for confusion.”

 This was an important lesson for me and has been vital in my walk with the Lord. People will always have their opinions on how you should be doing things, but you must come back to the Lord Jesus first and make firm the things He spoke to you. If He changes the instructions, He will show you. If you are confused by what you’ve been hearing from people, go to the Lord and ask, “God, this is what I’m hearing from the people. Are You changing the instructions You’ve given me?” If He says no, discard what the people were saying. If He doesn’t reply, continue with the last thing you heard from Him until He reveals a different pathway.

 Break agreement with confusion, come back to the last thing He said to you, and be firm in that conviction. Knowing that it was the Lord giving you that instruction allows you to remain confident even amidst opposing voices. That way, you won’t be shaken but can continue on the path the Lord has for you.


Let’s pray:

Lord, I come in the name of Jesus and thank You that You are not an author of confusion but that You lead and guide us in peace. I pray for whoever is finding themselves confused with the instructions You’ve given them because they have lent their ears to well-intended people. Help them to come back to a place of restfulness and solidness in You. Lay all the cards on the table again, and make it clear to them what Your instructions are. Help them to make that a firm conviction in their heart so that if people oppose the way they’re doing things, they will not be shaken because they know this was the instruction from You. Help them to overcome any fear of man and to please You rather than man. Help them to not compromise on the instructions You’ve given them in order to please man but to only set on pleasing You. In Jesus’ most holy and powerful name. Amen.


Scriptures for this word – Jeremiah 17:5-8, Psalm 146:3-4



Be blessed 😊


Founder and Director, Bold Existence.

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