Prophetic Word- Coming Back To Simplicity
Prophetic Word – Coming Back To Simplicity
– Adele Grobler
The Lord has been stirring my heart over the last few days to put together this word for you. This is to bring you back to the simplicity of the gospel and its importance. We will look at a few scriptures as we go through this.
In 1 Corinthians 4:6, in the New King James Version, it says:
When we look at Colossians chapter 2, it brings more context:
Basically, Colossians chapter 2 brings us back to Jesus as the head and the importance of abiding in Him and focusing on Him, not on man-made traditions and rules. This happens when you focus more on one aspect of the gospel than the others. You have to keep the full word of God in perspective You have to know God’s nature in His fullness, from the Old Testament to the New Testament. You have to bring all the parts together because if you just start teaching one aspect of the gospel and forget the other parts, you end up teaching traditions, philosophies, man-made ideas, or even imposing regulations like “do not touch this, do not touch that, do not speak this, do not do that.” At the end of the day, this can cause harm in the body of Christ when you open doors to the wrong things and drift away from Christ Jesus. Colossians 2 is a great encouragement to remind us that it’s all about Jesus and His word.
There is a scripture in the Word that talks about how “for a lack of knowledge, my people perish.” People sometimes use that to delve deeper into learning about Satan and his practices. While it’s good to have knowledge of these things so we are not ignorant, we should be careful not to delve too deeply into them, as it can open doors to different spiritual realms and practices that can lead to deception and dilution of the true doctrine of God.
We see that even in Paul’s days, there was deception seeping in. People were getting into disputes because they were lending their ears to fables, endless genealogies, and different kinds of doctrine. This caused them to drift away from the true doctrine of God. Paul had to encourage the people to come back to the simplicity of the gospel. We see the same principle and issue today.
Brothers and sisters, the important thing is to remember that even if you are tuning in with the Lord and growing in Him, be mindful not to go beyond what is written in Scripture. Be mindful of the resources you read, the books you read, and the teachings you listen to.
The things that you allow through your eye gate, ear gate, and heart gate should always be checked with our beautiful Jesus. Just go and say, “Lord, I want to learn more of these principles, but lead and guide me to the right resources. Holy Spirit, convict me and highlight to me when I’m actually reading things that are not in alignment with Your word.” Be rooted and grounded in the word because we are to abide in the word and Jesus’ teachings.
When we look at these scriptures, what do they tell us? They point out that God’s word is sufficient, and the Holy Spirit is sufficient to teach us all things. You do not need anyone else to teach you, for the anointing of God is on you and will teach you all things. The anointing is the Holy Spirit in you, and all we need is the word of God and the Holy Spirit, along with that beautiful relationship with the Lord Jesus. That is where the completion is.
It says in 2 Timothy that the man of God may be complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work. If we were not being thoroughly equipped by the word of God, the Lord would have put that in His word. He would have said, “Go and listen to man’s philosophies, go beyond scripture,” but He didn’t. The Lord made a very clear statement that scripture is more than sufficient and will make the man of God complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work. The Holy Spirit will teach you all things.
So, you have to come back to that basic simplicity. I remember a few years ago, I used to read really good books from respected Christians and leaders in the body of Christ. There was nothing wrong with their teachings and books, but there came a point when the Lord said to me, “I need you to stop reading these things,” and He pulled me more into the word of God. My main focus became the word of God so I could know scripture and what it says. Then, when reading or listening to something else, I could discern if it was in alignment with God’s word or not.
Like the Bereans who examined scripture every day we have to meditate on the word of God day and night. Do not get unbalanced by going after man’s teachings or man-made books more than scripture. It’s not wrong to listen to teaching. Scripture teaches us that we should teach one another and build up the body of Christ, but if your foundation is not strong in scripture and the word of God, you can be easily deceived. Your discernment is heightened when you are in the word of God. When you’re in conversations and someone says something that is out of alignment with God’s word, you can recognize it and say, “No, that’s not right; that’s not in the word of God.”
Remember the basic principles and simplicity of coming back to the word of God. How do you weigh up these resources and teachings to know if they are good for you? Here are a few points that might help you: Ask yourself: Do these teachings and books constantly teach only one part of God’s nature, or do they teach about all of His nature? What I mean by that is, for example, if you just listen to someone who continuously speaks about grace but never teaches or talks about the need for repentance and the need to crucify your flesh and take up your cross and follow the Lord, it’s unbalanced teaching. God is both a God of grace and forgiveness, and a God of justice and righteousness. If you have someone constantly teaching only about God’s wrath and justice, you can become unbalanced and miss the components of grace. So, you need to consider whether the teachings and books you are listening to teach only one part of God’s nature or all of it.
Another thing to consider is whether the teachings are in context with both the New and Old Testament principles, instructions, and intent for the human race. Some people discredit the Old Testament, saying that because Jesus fulfilled it, we don’t need to look at it. They only teach from the New Testament, which is incorrect. Jesus Himself said He didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfil it. We must look at the Old Testament as well. Yes, we are not under the old covenant law but under the new covenant of Jesus’ blood and grace. However, this does not nullify God’s nature and ways in the Old Testament.
Next, consider whether the teachings and books you read are a man-made list of things to check off or if they point you to Jesus and the Holy Spirit for help. What I mean by that is, do the teachers or authors present themselves as the answer to your problems, providing a list you must follow to achieve certain things? If they do, that’s an error because the Holy Spirit and God cannot be boxed. God’s ways are higher than ours and different for different people and scenarios. A person can share their experience and insights, but you always need to go back to the Lord Jesus. Ensure the person points you towards Jesus as your ultimate teacher, coach, and guide. If they point to themselves as the answer, that’s a red flag. Jesus died and rose again so that you won’t need a mediator; He is your first and foremost teacher.
It’s crucial to examine everything taught by man in accordance with God’s nature, heart, and word. In these times, this is important to grasp because you can be easily misled. Things may look 99% good but have that 1% that is off.
Another way to evaluate teachings is to see if they are presented as the only way and fundamental truth or if they contain openness to principles and practices not found in the word of God. This is how spiritualism, mysticism, and universalism creep into the church. For instance, some people talk about emptying your mind, a practice of New Age and yoga. However, when we focus on the Lord, meditating on His word, we do not empty our minds but focus on Jesus and His word. We take captive the wrong thoughts and bring our thoughts back into submission to the word of God and the Lord. Other practices that teach you to empty your mind are wrong and allow other things in. Our minds should be focused and fixed on the Lord.
That he will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast on the Lord. You need to train your mind to focus on the Lord to remain steadfast on Him, then you can remain in constant peace. Be mindful not to say, “I am open to all these other different spiritual ideas because there might be good stuff in here that can help lead me to the Lord.” No, the only thing you need is the word of God, Jesus. Come back to the simplicity of the gospel, because otherwise you can go on different principles.
Next, ask if the focus is on Jesus and coming closer to Him, or if the focus of these teachings and practices is just on deliverance and healings. Don’t misunderstand me; there is deliverance and healing that we teach and equip people in. But if the main focus is just deliverance or healing, it becomes a machine, a works thing. It becomes about driving out demons or delivering people, and you hear the “I,” the man, the effort. The whole point of deliverance and healings is to help people connect more with the Lord. When they get delivered or healed, it shows the love of the Father to them. It’s not about us doing it; it’s the Lord. People forget that principle. It’s the Holy Spirit working in and through you. It’s not by might nor by power, but by God’s Spirit that these things are achieved.
If the main focus is continuously teaching one principle without teaching intimacy with Jesus and a relationship with Him, it’s unbalanced. It is from the overflow of your intimacy with the Lord that He works through you to help others. Chase the Lord first, not these other things. It’s not wrong to want to learn these things, but that comes second. Jesus said people would say to Him, “Lord, didn’t we drive out demons in Your name, heal the sick, prophesy in Your name?” And He will say, “I never knew you.” You can do all those practices, go after deliverance and healing, but if you lose your connection and first love with Jesus, you’ve gained nothing. Would He know you at the end of the day? Intimacy with Jesus is more important than any other thing.
Jesus always needs to be at the forefront. This is how you can tell people who are truly sold out for the Lord. They understand that the principle of the gospel is to get man to Jesus. Anything you teach or do needs to point to Him and maintain the relationship between Jesus and man. It always comes back to the Lord, His authority, guidance, and wisdom first before any man’s.
Is the teaching taught from the person’s own walk with God, and is the fruit seen in their lives from that walk? Or is it just a teaching without that walk matching their talk? Are the teachings and books you read just lists, or do they come from the person’s experience, showing the fruit of the Spirit in their lives? Many just speak and teach things they don’t truly know about, as we read in 1 Timothy, yet their lives and the fruit they produce don’t match their teachings. They might teach about inner healing or deliverance, but in their own lives, they engage in sinful behaviours. The two concepts don’t marry up because the fruit of their lives does not match the heart of the Father.
It’s very hard for a person who is truly tapped in with the Lord not to radiate that throughout their life. You can quickly tell when a person is genuinely in tune with the Lord because it will be expressed consistently, both behind closed doors and in public. There is a problem when a person shifts, acting differently in one space and another. That’s not consistent or stable, because God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and we are made in His image. When we have an overflow with the Lord, we will be consistent in our nature.
Another way to weigh up is whether the message elevates Jesus or elevates self. When examining teachings, ask if the focus is on “we are doing healing, prophecy, deliverance,” and so on. Is there more talk about “we” doing it or more talk about Jesus doing it and allowing the Lord to work? If we start elevating ourselves, pride can set in, and what might start out clean can quickly become contaminated. Pride opens the door for the enemy, so the focus must always be on Jesus.
Does the message put obstacles, stumbling blocks, or fear in the way of others? Remember, Jesus died and rose again so that there wouldn’t be obstacles for people to come to Him. In the old covenant, people had to follow regulations and rituals, like sacrificing animals, which acted as obstacles. Jesus’ death and resurrection removed these obstacles, making belief in and abiding in Him the only requirements. If teachings put obstacles and stumbling blocks in your way or cause fear in your heart, that’s a red flag. There is no fear in love; perfect love casts out fear, and God is love. The only fear that should be present is the fear of the Lord, which is reverential awe and respect.
Does the teaching require a human mediator or head instead of Jesus? Does it suggest that you need the leader’s approval to move in God’s will? That’s not scriptural. Jesus did not establish leaders to approve or disapprove of someone’s walk with God. Leaders help and teach, but they are not mediators. Jesus is the only way, the truth, and the life.
Is what is being taught sowing seeds of doubt about parts of scripture? If teachings, conversations, or books start making you doubt scripture, that’s a big red flag. God’s word is truth and has endured for the ages. Jesus Himself testified of the law and the prophets, affirming their validity. Seeds of doubt about scripture can quickly lead to discrediting God’s word and eventually walking away from faith.
Is what is being taught different from the fundamentals of scripture when taken in context? For example, if teachings celebrate pride or other concepts contrary to biblical teachings, that’s problematic. Always ensure teachings align with the true context and fundamental principles of the Bible.
Is the message celebrating LGBTQ, transgender issues, or referring to God as a unified gender using “them” instead of “He”? These are examples of teachings that are being taken out of the fundamental context of God’s word to gratify fleshly desires. Similarly, sexual immorality and sex before marriage are often preached as acceptable by some churches because they align with current cultural norms. This twisting of the fundamental principles of God’s word to justify fleshly desires is a significant issue.
Does the teaching bring clarity or more confusion? God is not a God of confusion; He brings clarity and truth. If you walk away from a teaching, book, or any other material feeling confused because it is overly complicated or intellectual compared to the simplicity of the gospel, that’s a red flag. The simplicity of the gospel of Christ brings clarity, with God being very clear on what is right and wrong.
Does the teaching bring you back to the simplicity of the gospel and the restoration of man’s relationship with God? The gospel’s core purpose is to restore man’s relationship with the Lord. If the teaching is not about that, you need to question its value.
Does the teaching address sin and promote righteous living? If a teaching does not address sin or promote righteous living, that’s a red flag. God is against sin, and He is a righteous God. The necessity of living righteously and holy lives, crucifying our flesh, and walking in God’s principles is fundamental. Post-Jesus’ resurrection, teachings still emphasize the need to die to our flesh and renew our minds, aligning ourselves more with Christ.
Does the teaching lead you down a rabbit hole or into Jesus’ presence? Is the focus on what the flesh can achieve or be, or does it bring you into submissive humility and thankfulness toward Jesus? Many teachings today emphasize personal authority, status, and identity in the kingdom of God, which can lead to pride and self-elevation. True teachings should bring you into humble submission and gratitude toward Jesus. If it leads to pride and self-ambition, it is likely unbalanced and focusing more on the individual rather than Jesus.
Does the teaching bring elitism, elevating one person over another? Does it keep you dependent on the person’s teaching, making it the gospel truth, instead of equipping you to function independently by going directly to God and Jesus? Some teachings create elitism, elevating a specific group of people or individuals.
Does the message suggest that only a specific circle can perform deliverance, healing, or help others with their problems? Such elitism is problematic. Jesus said His disciples would drive out demons and heal the sick without placing tags on who could do these things. There are different giftings, but humanity often elevates one over another, leading to elitism. This can make you reliant on their teachings, treating them as gospel truth, rather than focusing on the Lord.
All teachings should lead us back to Jesus first. If those people were gone, what would you be left with? It’s your responsibility to spend time in God’s word, meditate on it, make it part of your life, and walk it out. Know Jesus for who He is and examine everything you hear with Him.
Consider the agenda and motivation of the teaching. Is it rooted in self or pointing to Jesus? These are important considerations. Sometimes, even good Christian people can fall into subtle deceptions because we all have the potential to be deceived. This is why it’s crucial to prioritize your relationship with Jesus and God’s word. If you don’t know the word, you lack a plumb line. If you don’t know Jesus intimately, it’s hard to discern truth from falsehood when deception arises.
Return to the simplicity of the gospel. If needed, stop reading other resources and come back to God’s word. Get rooted and grounded in it. Spend time with Jesus, pray, and seek His face. Once your fundamentals are right, you can seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance on which additional resources to read and integrate into your life.
Let’s pray: Lord, we thank you that your heart is always for us to come into close connection and fellowship with you. I pray in the name of Jesus that you help each and every brother and sister in the body of Christ to be alert and on guard against deception. Help us not to go beyond what is written, not to take pride in one man over another, and not to get into arguments over different philosophies and doctrines. Help us come back to the simplicity of the gospel and honour` your word as you gave it. Help us not to cherry-pick favourable parts of scripture but to embrace the entirety of your word. Solidify us in your truth and reel us back in when we go off on tangents that shift our focus from a pure relationship with you. Grant us greater wisdom as greater deceptions arise. Root and ground us in your word so we can test everything we hear and see. Help us look at the fruit and listen for the purity of your gospel to come through. In Jesus’ most holy and powerful name, Amen. Be blessed 😊 |
Founder and Director, Bold Existence.
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