Prophetic Word-Don’t Stop

22 Aug

Prophetic Word- Don’t Stop !

Adele Grobler – August 2024


This word might not necessarily apply to every one of you, but if this word resonates in your spirit and aligns with where you are in your journey, then take it to the Lord. Ask Him for confirmation. God will always confirm His word to you. Believe in a man or woman only in the one true God, and always examine what you hear with the Word of God and your own journey.
The Lord said:


“My child don’t stop now. You are so close. Can you see the clearing up ahead? A pathway I have carved out for you. Distraction fights for your attention. The swirling in your mind confuses you. Step back. Look with broader and clearer vision. Do you see the path behind you? Do you see how My faithfulness has carried you and kept you on the road you walked? The road up ahead will be no different. My faithfulness will continue to be there. I will carry you on this next path as well. I will not let go of your hand. Do not let go of Mine. Walk with Me as you do, and continue to walk with Me into the unknown. I am your light, and I will show you where to step next. Just don’t give up. Don’t stay where you are; press ahead.”


So, my beautiful God, Lord, thank You so much for this word. I pray, my King, in the name of Jesus, that You will help whoever this is, Lord, not to stop but to keep going ahead with the pathway that You are showing them. Help them, Lord, to not give in to fear or anxiety of the unknown, but help them to hear Your voice and to feel Your comfort. I pray that Your peace transcends understanding and will guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Lord, give them that strength.

In Jesus’ most holy and powerful name, Amen.


Here are the scriptures for this word:

Psalm 36:5-7, Isaiah 45:2, Isaiah 46:34 

Be blessed ,



Bold Existence , Founder And Director

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