Prophetic word- Subtle yet significant
Prophetic Word – Subtle Yet Significant
Adele Grobler : October 2024
The Lord gave this prophetic word for me as an answer to maybe one or a few of you who have been feeling like you are very insignificant in God’s kingdom and have been praying to the Lord, becoming frustrated because you feel like your labours are amounting to nothing. This prophetic word will be for you, so it’s not going to be applicable to everyone. If this word resonates in your spirit and matches your walk and journey, take it to the Lord and ask Him for confirmation.
Here is the word that the Lord gave me:
He said,
“My child, you are not insignificant, you are not overlooked, you are not passed by. Your perspective and how you view things are out of alignment. You think that because you are not on the forefront, where your gifts are displayed for all to see, that you are insignificant in My Kingdom. My child, this is not true at all. It is not the places of prominence that always have the most significant impact. Do I not say in My Word that I distribute gifts as I see fit, and that those gifts that seem to have lesser value obtain greater honour and special reward?
Why do you still compare yourself with others? Why do you look in your hands and say that what you have is not enough to make an impact for Me and My Kingdom? My child, do you not know that it is often the subtle things that have the most significant impacts? Even if what you do and how you serve is not seen in public, do I not see what you do and how you faithfully serve? Your reward does not come from man, but from Me. Every time you do what seems subtle and insignificant in your eyes, but is significant in My Kingdom, I use it for good and My outworkings.
You are frustrated because you do not see the result of your labour, but, oh child, do you not realize it takes time for seeds to grow? I am the one who makes things grow in My perfect timing. Do not underestimate your worth, impact, and influence just because it does not look like someone else’s journey. Be content with what you have, be content with doing what seems subtle and significant to you. I trust you to be diligent in this space.
The body is made of many parts. If everybody is placed in a place of public influence, then who will fill the spaces where you are? I evaluate differently from man. I look at how you steward with what is in your hands and where you are placed in this season. Do not lose heart, for great is your reward in heaven. Continue to do good and honour Me in all you put your hands to. You are significant in My eyes.”
Let’s Pray,
My beautiful Lord God, we just thank You so much for this word. Lord, we thank You that You do not evaluate things the same as people do. We thank You, God, that in Your eyes, prominent places and those that seem to be in secret all have the same worth and value. Lord, what You look at is obedience and what we do with what we are given. So, Father, I pray in the name of Jesus for any brother or sister who has felt insignificant. Lord, I pray that You would help them to receive this word and to realise that even if it doesn’t look the same as someone on a public platform or in a more prominent place, what they bring is so important for those around them because You have strategically placed them where they can steward those around them well.
Help them, Lord, to see the treasure and the impact they can make where they are with what they have. I pray, Lord God, that You will break off any spirit of competition and any tendency to look at someone else’s path and think that they need to follow it the same way. I pray, Lord, that You would help them embrace who they are in You and the journey they’re on with You, so they can find peace in being themselves and stewarding what You give them, even if it doesn’t look like someone else’s. Help them to know they have Your favour, reward, and blessing as long as they stay aligned with and obedient to You. I pray for refreshment and strength upon them, in Jesus’ most holy and powerful name, amen.
Scriptures for this word :
1 Corinthians 12
Matthew 6:6
Romans 9:12
1 Peter 4:19
Be blessed 😊
Founder and Director, Bold Existence.
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