Prophetic word-This Is Your Purpose And Calling
Prophetic Word – This Is Your Purpose And Calling
Adele Grobler – November 2024
The prophetic word that the Lord gave will not apply to everyone. This word will be for those of you who feel like they are asking God for their purpose and they ‘re really struggling to find it.
So, the Lord said: “My child, why do you wrestle regarding your purpose in life? Do you not yet know or understand that your purpose is to be Mine? What you do in this life is not your purpose. When I created Adam, I created him in My image. His purpose was to be Mine. I assigned him to work and take care of the land, but that was not his overall purpose. His overall purpose was to know Me, connect with Me, and be My son.
When I created the heavens and the Earth, it was works that I wanted to create. It was not My overall purpose, for if I had chosen not to create the heavens and the Earth, it would not have stripped away My purpose, which is to be Me, God overall.
So why then are you getting so worked up about what you should do? Do you not know that your purpose is to abide in Me, love Me, walk with Me, and be My child? Your purpose is found in communion with Me and nowhere else. Do you not know that when you abide in Me, the works I have prepared for you to do will come forth? Do you know that my works are not always wrapped up in a career? My works for you are to do the will of the Father. It is that simple.
When you abide in Me and I abide in you, you will bear much fruit. Learn first what it means to be Mine before you pursue your purpose in work and tasks. My child, what will your purpose be if your works and tasks get stripped from you? Do you see how flawed your understanding is? How can your overall purpose be built on that which is here today and gone the next? Your purpose is not wrapped up in works; works flow out from your purpose.
When you learn that your purpose is to be Mine and Mine alone, you carry out My will and works in your life. At times, work can be as simple as showing kindness and mercy. At other times, it can look like feeding the poor. At other times, it can look like a career direction. Works do not define you, but rather you define the works.
When you are in Me and you learn from Me and abide in Me, your character becomes refined. Your character expresses how you do your works. Two people are called to the same task. The first person does not know or abide in Me; the second person does know Me and abides in Me. Both set about doing their work diligently. However, the first person displays rudeness, impatience, lack of love and mercy in their work. The second person bears the fruit of my Spirit, and they carry out their work with thanksgiving, honour, love, patience, mercy, and respect.
Though both do the same work, one brings darkness and the other light. It is not the work that defines who you are; you define the works. When you realise your purpose is to be Mine and to abide in Me, you will become less concerned about missing what you call purpose. You will realise that when I am in a person and that person is in Me, I will determine their steps as they plan their course in submission to Me.
Do you really think I will abandon you if you do not do a certain work? Doing works means you partner with Me to carry out my will in the Earth. If you should forget a task, does that mean you no longer have purpose? Not at all. Are you not My created vessel? Learn to abide in Me and just be My child. From there, good works will flow from you.
My word is a lamp unto your path. It is useful to teach, train, and equip you in righteousness, My will, and instructions. When you read my word, you do hear My voice, for I am the Word made flesh, and My words are life and light to a man’s soul. Stop trying so hard to obtain from your own efforts. Sit at My feet like Mary did. Learn from Me, then you will be able to distinguish what good works are. Learn about My heart for you. I have never abandoned you, and My ways are not your ways, nor My thoughts your thoughts. Be still and know that I am God.”
Here are the scriptures the Lord gave with this word: Romans 8:19, Colossians 3:23, Colossians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Proverbs 16:9, Matthew 22:37-40
Be blessed 😊
Founder and Director, Bold Existence.
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