Stewarding the Prophetic Well
1 Corinthians 14:3 (NKJV) – But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men.
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What to expect…
Giving and sharing prophetic words can be fun, exciting and exhilarating. Especially when we can see a positive impact and God’s words coming into fulfillment. At times though, how we share and deliver prophetic words can either do harm or good. In this short course we discuss how to steward the prophetic well.
Learn about the purpose of prophecy, how to honour God in it, when to share prophetic words, how to deliver words safely, what things to watch out for etc. If you have been operating in the prophetic and want to learn how to steward it well, then this course is for you.
There are 4 lessons in this course. Each lesson is accompanied by a teaching video. If you would like to be part of discussions on this course with other believers, access the course in to be part of the community and share your thoughts, questions and discussions. If you do not wish for community and just want to take the course, click “Enrol now”.
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Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to pay for the "Stewarding the Prophetic Well" Course?
No. If you are not in the financial position to contribute to this course, you can access it for free. If you are financially capable of contributing but not able to pay the estimated course value of $47, you can enter any amount that you wish to contribute when you select the “Pay Course” button. The estimated course value is there to help provide guidance for those who wish to contribute to the full price.
Can I contribute after course completion?
Absolutely. You can come back to this page and click the “Sow a seed” button at any time to contribute financially to this course.
What is included in the course?
The course consists of 4 video lessons.
How does the process work?
Once you have registered (after payment/free signup), you will be able to access your course. You will receive an email with the login link and details. You can use these details for easy access. Upon registration, you have immediate access to the course.