Testimony Time – God Of The Impossible

by 17 Feb

Testimony Time – Jesus Turns Lives Around 😊!


God Of The Impossible – by Sinead


“Hi there. God has always come through for me. But what I’m so grateful for is my 4-month-old daughter died in my womb at 2 weeks old. I was devastated. The Thursday morning I woke up that was the day they were doing the DNC to remove the baby but I kept hearing DONT GO! I phoned my pastor n told him what was going on n he prayed with me. I had faith that God would change my story. That same day I went to the doctors and my baby was alive! She’s 4 months old now and healthy. She also has a calling upon her life as a prophetess. Glory to God for my miracle baby.

Written by – Sinead


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