Prophetic Word – I am Calling My People Back To First Love

by 28 Dec

Prophetic Word – I am bringing My people back to her first love (28 December 2023)


This morning as I was spending time with Jesus, the Lord started speaking this word for His church. It is a very touching prophetic word.

So the Lord said:


I am calling my people back to her first love. Many have forgotten me. You may ask “how have we forgotten you Lord? we go to church”. Oh, my people do you not understand that it is not the building that makes my church but rather the hearts of those inside the building? You may have a good church attendance but many of your hearts are far away from Me. You sit on your seats thinking about lunch or the fight you just had with your spouse or thinking about what you’re going to do after church. When you worship songs come out of your mouth but your focus and heart is not fixed on Me. Is this the kind of worship I desire?


Do I not desire worshippers who will worship Me in spirit and in truth? Many in this generation will call out to Me “Lord, Lord we did works in Your name. We went to church every Sunday”. But I will turn around and ask them “did you learn to love Me? Did you learn to love My people? Did you seek Me as your most vital necessity? Did you put Me first and follow My leading? You did not. I do not know you. Depart from Me”. My church has fallen into a deep slumber. She thinks I approve of her for following her own religious Traditions rather than truly seeking My face. Is it Traditions I’m interested in?


Is that not what made the Pharisees stumble when I walked on Earth? Did they not hold fast to their religious structures and ways? Did they who knew the law and the prophets well, not stumble in their own knowledge? They knew of Me but they were unable to recognize Me. I stood right in front of them with signs miracles and wonders. Yet they failed to recognize Me as Lord. They opposed Me spat in My face, mocked Me and called Me evil. How much more do many in this generation not do the same? They call good evil and evil good. They despise My true Messengers and Prophets. Calling them as “being out of line” and not following My truth and yet My true Messengers and Prophets carry My heart and display My ways to My church so that she may repent and turn from her idols and her wicked ways. But she does not listen.


Instead she stones My true Messengers and Prophets with harsh words and cast them out of the churches when they stand up for truth. Is this the kind of behavior I am to overlook? Will I not arise as Judge and separate the goats from from the sheep? The wheat from the chaff? My church, you have forgotten your First Love. Some of you hold fast to doing the right thing. This is commendable and you have your reward. However, do I not desire obedience over sacrifice? Do I not desire your heart to be fully Mine over what you can do and achieve for Me? Will good works not flow from You when I am first in your life? My church has done things backwards. They try to do good deeds first and then seek My face later. Is this what I want? Is this not a form of idolatry? I want your hearts first and not your works first.


Did I not die and raise again so that you could freely come to Me before you do anything for Me? Do I not want to be a Father to you My children and yet you approach Me as you would a slave driver with the expectation that you have to toil for My approval and affection. Who taught you this? Certainly not Me. Yes I am your Master and you are My servants but I’m also your Father and your Bridegroom and for those who seek Me, Friend. My very nature and essence is love. Love is who I am. If I wanted to be a slave driver and have you fight for My approval and affection, then I would have enslaved you and taken away your freedom to choose. My heart is for My people to love Me affectionately and with upright hearts. For them to choose Me and not the world. Whoever comes to Me, I will never drive away. Yet you approach Me as if I am unapproachable. Do you not realize that you can come freely? Do you not realize that I carried your sins? If you sinned, come to Me. Let Me wash you. Then turn from your sin.


Don’t let your sin be a barrier to approach Me. If you truly have a repented heart and are willing to turn away from your sin, why would I not accept you? Apart from Me you can do nothing. You need Me to help you. In your weakness I am strong. Don’t try and clean yourself off before you come to Me. Come to Me and I will wash you My children.


Many of you are blinded to the truth. I came to set the captives free not to enslave them. To break chains and not to shackle people. To break the spiritual prisoners out of their prisons not to put them in prisons. To heal the sick, not to make them sick. To deliver My people, not to hand them over to demons. Yes, I am a righteous Judge and people will be rewarded according to their conduct and what their deeds deserve. Each one will have to pay for the consequences of his own words and deeds. I will bring discipline in attempts to bring hearts back to Me and to steer them away from the path of Hell to the way Everlasting. But I do not bring harm and destruction on those who have chosen Me.


You live in the world but are not of it. In this world you will have suffering, but take heart for I have overcome the world. Your life here is temporary. For those who choose Me, they will live for eternity. Those who don’t will spend eternity in separation from Me in hell. There is no grey area. You either choose life or death. How long will you toy with the idea of fully following Me?


Do you not realize that your very life can be snatched from you in a blink of an eye and then it will be too late? Having a good church attendance is not enough to be saved. Who are those who are saved and who I know? They are the ones who have believed in their hearts that Christ Jesus is the son of God and that He died and rose again so that all who believe in Him might have eternal life. Those who continue in Me and My ways and teaching, those who follow Me.


It is one thing to confess Me as Lord and another thing to continue in Me. Do not faith and deeds go together? If you confess Me as Lord and Savior and then turn from Me to follow your own idols and ways and continue in your wickedness, no longer believing that I am who I say I am, are you then saved? If a man confesses Me as Lord and Savior and then turns away from Me, not believing in Me, he is not saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and with your lips that you confess and are saved. But if your heart no longer believes that I am who I say I am, your wordy confession means nothing. You have to believe that I am who I say I am.


Does not all of creation testify about Me? Many will cry out in distress on that day that I will be revealed. Ready your hearts My bride. Know Me and My ways. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with with all your soul, with all your mind. If you love Me, you will obey My commands. Seek Me and you will find Me. Submit to Me, resist the devil and he will flee. Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you. Come to Me and I will cleanse you and put your sins behind My back. I will clothe you with a new clean garment and remove your filthy rags. Commune with Me, for I desire to commune with you. Call to Me and I will answer. Be no longer in two minds. Either follow Me fully or follow the world fully. if you are in between two minds, you are lukewarm and I am about to spew you out of My mouth. Make up your mind who you will follow.


Here are scriptures for this word:


Revelation chapter 2-3, Romans 10:8-10, 1 John 2:23, James 2:14-26, Matthew 7:21-23


Be blessed 😊


By Adele Grobler

Soar boldly to greater heights!
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