About Us

We are a health and wellness company who loves Jesus and we endeavour to share Him with the world, including the market place. We accomplish this through free in-person events, online courses, community platform (EagleHub), online videos, books, blogs and more. Jesus is the central part of our lives. All our health and wellness principles are Biblical based and focussed. Our heart and mission is to see God’s children living healthy sustainable lives and having the longevity to accomplish their God given assignments on earth.


In-Person Events

Join our Community

Interview & Testimony

This journey was begun to craft a space where people can truly experience God’s love. Our dream is to cultivate a close-knit community that shares the love of Jesus everywhere. To see the body of Christ equipped to stand and walk in the fullness of their call .  

As we move ahead, we’re thrilled about the growth and impact we’ll achieve together. Be sure to watch Adele and Caroline’s interview! Adele opens up about her testimony and shares the vision for Bold Existence.  

Our Faith Statement

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16 (NIV)

We firmly stand in the belief of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, crafted you with utmost significance. Why? Because He desires a beautiful, loving relationship with you. His love is so immense that He sent His Son, Jesus, to the cross to redeem you from sin, offering the gift of eternal life. 

Jesus isn’t just a Savior; He’s the ultimate friend, unparalleled in love on Earth. Your worth to Him is immeasurable, and He has an incredible plan and purpose designed specifically for your life. At the core of our beliefs, Jesus is the cornerstone upon which everything stands. 

In our journey, we embrace praying in tongues and operating in spiritual gifts as bestowed by the Holy Spirit. We acknowledge Jesus as the head of the Body of Christ, operating under His covering and banner. It’s a powerful foundation, rooted in the profound love of God and the transformative grace of Jesus Christ. 

Our Vision

The vision of BOLD EXISTENCE is seeing individuals, families, and cities transformed as they grow in their walk with Jesus while embracing healthy and well-balanced lifestyles.

Connect with us!

Join EagleHub – The online community platform for believers. Connect with other brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for one another, encourage one another, learn and grow together and much more. It is much more fun to do life together. Connect with our team in EagleHub as well…

Office Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm

Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

Follow Us:

Contact Details:

Email: info@boldexistence.com.au

PO BOX 213

Port Macquarie, NSW

Australia, 2444

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