Your Contributions help keep us going!! Thank you!!
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Your Contributions help keep us going…
We appreciate all your love, support, encouragement and prayers!! We are also very grateful for any financial contributions you sow, as this helps us to continue to maintain and create new resources for the body of Christ. No gift is too small or too great. So if you feel led to sow, we now have three options available for you to do so…
For Monthly Contributions…
If you would like to contribute monthly, you can choose your preferred amount by clicking on one of the buttons below. Your contribution will be deducted automatically each month from your credit card. You can stop your monthly contributions anytime. Email us at Thank you for your generosity, may you be blessed abundantly!
Donate Via Direct Bank Transfer
Bank Name – NAB
BSB: 082842
Account: 971137691
Please note: If you wish to donate using direct bank transfers, then please fill out this submission form stating your name, email, the amount you transferred as well as the date you made the payment so we can issue you an electronic payment receipt. If you don’t fill out this form we will not be able to track if the payment was from you, and so we won’t be able to issue you a receipt. If you don’t receive a receipt in your inbox within 48 hours after submitting the form, please email us at Thank you!
Fill out this form to reveice a receipt for your direct transfer
BOLD EXISTENCE PTY LTD is a for-profit organization, which means your donations are not tax-deductable.
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