
There are designed to help you grow in your journey as you walk with Jesus. Our courses are available for free, however, we ask that you would kindly consider making a contribution to help cover costs of running and creating courses. Our heart is to make resources available to those who are unable to afford it. Your contribution helps us to keep doing so. Thank you!


Sow a seed

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Wilderness Course

Do you feel like you are currently in a “wilderness” season spiritually? Do you need some guidance as you navigate through this? Then this course is for you. We look at various aspects such as recognising and accepting the call God has given you and how to guard it.

We discuss how to hear His voice more clearly, how to grow into deeper intimacy with Jesus, the hard stuff we sometimes need to deal with that hinder us moving forward, how to partner with God to manifest the promises He has given you and learning how to let go of the old to walk in the new…

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Be War Ready

Whether we like to admit it or not, we are in a spiritual war. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12 NKJV). The enemy has but one goal, and that is to come steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). This is not something to fear! We are already more than conquerors through Christ (Romans 8:37).

Jesus won the victory and defeated the enemy. He has given us the power and authority to overcome the enemy in our lives and live victoriously. This online course is designed to enlighten, teach, guide and equip you to overcome the devil’s schemes and to remain standing.

Learn about the enemy’s entry/access points and how to close them, the war over your identity and how to know who you are, defensive vs offensive warfare, how to armour up and stand in your authority, praying Spirit led prayers and decrees that overthrows darkness, common strategies and techniques that the enemy uses and much more…

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Tuning In Course

Steps To Hearing God’s Voice – Do you struggle to hear God’s voice? Do you often feel like your prayers are a “one-way” communication lane? Or do you perhaps hear God speak to you but you want to tune in more prophetically, experiencing Him talking with you every day and being able to share prophetic words with others? Then this course is for you.

We discuss common barriers that are hindering you from hearing God’s voice, including confusion associated with whether it is God you are hearing or not. We discuss the practical ways in which God speaks and how you can hear Him every day.

We cover critical concepts such as how to evaluate what you hear, how to know if something resonates in your spirit etc. We also cover practical ways as to how you can apply what you hear in your own life, in your community, or church, what is the right way of sharing a prophetic word and when to share it, what to do if you get it “wrong”, what to do if what you share is not received well and more…

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Strategic Prayer

Prayer is a vital component in our Christian walk. Have you ever wondered why we pray, or what to pray for or even how to pray effectively? James 5:15 says that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Do you feel like your prayers are powerful and effective? Or do you feel like your prayers are dry, repetitive and even at times a chore or in a sense boring? Well, then this short course is for you.

By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of why you should pray, what you should pray for, how to pray effectively and strategically. Also when to know when to stop praying for something and when to continue to pray for something, and how to keep your prayer life, fresh, exciting and powerful in the Lord.

In this course, we look in depth at scripture and put together the framework that God laid out regarding how to pray and what to pray for. Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. When we invite Him to teach us, He does. Praying with the Holy Spirit keeps things exciting. Prayers open the way for deeper intimacy with our beautiful God…

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Prophetic Visions Course

Receiving visions from God can be very adventurous and exciting! Visions are one of the ways in which God speaks to us. Whether you are new to visions or have been receiving visions for a long time, this course can help you understand more about what visions are, who are they for, why we would want to receive visions, where do we receive visions and more.

We also unpack common barriers and hindrances that “block” us from receiving visions and we discuss how to overcome these. We also look at how to receive visions, how to know when a vision is from God versus the enemy versus yourself. We also discuss how to implement visions. Let’s get started…

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Prophetic Art Course

Learn how to build up the body of Christ and expand God’s Kingdom through Prophetic Art. Level of experience: Suitable for all levels of experience.

This prophetic art workshop covers the biggest hindrances to prophetic art, how to use it to build up other believers and express God’s love to non-believers, how to use prophetic art on the go/wherever you are and much more.  These online sessions will help equip you to start using prophetic art as a tool to minster to others as the Holy Spirit leads…

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Stewarding the Prophetic Well

Giving and sharing prophetic words can be fun, exciting and exhilarating. Especially when we can see a positive impact and God’s words coming into fulfillment. At times though, how we share and deliver prophetic words can either do harm or good. In this short course we discuss how to steward the prophetic well.

Learn about the purpose of prophecy, how to honour God in it, when to share prophetic words, how to deliver words safely, what things to watch out for etc. If you have been operating in the prophetic and want to learn how to steward it well, then this course is for you…

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How to walk closely with Jesus Course

Have you heard people say that you need to walk closely with Jesus, but are not sure what this means. In this course we discuss how to walk closely with Jesus. We start with the basic understanding of God’s heart towards you and His desire for relationship with you. How do you grow close to someone if you do not fully understand their heart and desire for connection?

We also look scripturally at what God desires from us in relationship. So if you have been wanting to have some of these questions answered and want to know what it looks like to walk closely with Jesus, then this course is for you.

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Dealing with Ministry Hurts & Triggers

If you have ever been in church or in ministry spaces, chances are, at some point or another you were hurt. This can often cause us to become fearful or anxious to step out in our giftings, callings or even enter such spaces again. Hurts and triggers, if not dealt with properly, can hinder our forward movement in the tasks and assignments God gives us. It can also cause us to withdraw from healthy spaces, in stead of growing in those spaces. If you have been hurt in church or ministry space, or if past hurts in your life have caused you to trigger in church and ministry spaces, then this course is for you.

Learn how to detect your hurs and triggers. Discover how to heal from them. Learn how to spot healthy inputs versus unhealthy inputs. Learn how to overcome future hurts and triggers so you can boldly walk in your gifts and call.

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Stand Course

Times are challenging. It can be difficult at times to stand firm in faith and not lose heart, courage or strength. In this course, we discuss why we lose heart and faint. We look at the things that determine our navigation through situations and life. We discuss what God expects from us during these times.

This course equips you with tools and keys to regain your strength and courage and how to keep your strength and courage. At the end of this course, you will be equipped to stand and keep standing in faith regardless of what you see or experience in these times.

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