Prophetic Word – Black Void & Silver Lines

by 17 Oct

Prophetic Word – Black Void & Silver Lines (17 October 2023)


For the last couple of days, Luke 18:7-8 has been burning in my spirit:


Luke 18:7-8 (NKJV) – And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?

As I was sitting with Jesus asking why this scripture was burning in my spirit, He showed me a vision of a black void. I then saw two to three silver lines like waves coming across the void. I was given the understanding that the silver lines represented faith and the black void a lack of faith or doubt. The Lord then spoke and said:


“My people’s faith is lacking. They cannot see. They are blinded spiritually by the things of this world. Many walk around clueless. Not able to perceive or recognise the times or the hour that has come upon the earth. They drag themselves out of bed in the mornings and go about their business. Many do not seek Me. Many do not seek Me intentionally. Many just make it through their day without inviting Me in. My people have a lack of clarity and vision. They are blinded by the corrupt talk of the world. Many have lost faith in Me. Many discredit and disregard My name.


Many use Me as a tick list of something they must do rather than a want to and need to. Many think I am after their church attendance and their 5-minute prayers. Many think I am not interested in their everyday lives. Oh, My children, how have you become so misled? In a broken world, you yourselves walk around broken, hopeless, diminished. Have I not given you everything you need in life? Have I not shown you the way to live in the abundance of My love?


Does life not consist of more than food and clothes? Are you only here on earth to fill a void? Did I not call you to be Mine? To be set apart for Me? If you set your face like flint to do My will and follow My ways, will you be misled? Will I not keep you on the right track if you allow Me to fully shepherd your life? As it is, you decide to be in the driver’s seat and just invite Me along on the journey for the ride. Do you not realize it is the other way around? I am driving and moving in My purposed direction, and I am inviting you to jump in and be a part of My journey and story.


I cannot leave My driving position to be a passenger on your journey. I have many traveling with Me on My purposed journey. If I leave them to go where you want to go, what happens to them? Instead, like a shepherd, I see you moving in your own direction away from the flock. I then come for you calling after you to come and join the rest. For I know where I am leading you. You do not know the way, but I do. You may think you know the way, but if your way is not directed by Me, you walk blindly even if you think you can see. Allow Me to drive. Follow Me. My ways are higher. Faith is required to follow Me. Will you have faith to follow where I lead?”


Here are the scriptures the Lord gave with this word:

Proverbs 16:9, John 14:1, John 21:22


Be blessed 😊


By Adele Grobler

Soar boldly to greater heights!
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