Prophetic Word & Vision – Soldiers

by 25 Feb

Prophetic Word & Vision – Soldiers (25 Feb 2023)


Hi 😊,


The Lord gave me a vision this morning, showing me how many in the body of Christ look like worn out, battle weary and injured soldiers. The Lord gave this word of encouragement to those weary souls. To listen to the full vision, watch the video below:

Here is the word the Lord gave me that I read in the video:


God said: “Speak these words to the weary souls:


I am coming soon My children. Do not lose heart. Do not lose your strength. Do not lose your ability to stand and fight. Look! The enemy has overrun you. The enemy has trampled you. The enemy has injured you and at times, defeated you. I know you long for respite. I know you long for peace. But how can there be peace during a time of war? Are you not in a spiritual battle between good and evil? How then can there be peace between good and evil? Does not peace come after one or the other wins? You are fighting the good fight of faith until I return.


Until I return with My angel armies and overthrow all that is evil. Until that day, are you not My soldiers, My warriors that hold the battle lines against all that is evil? If you keep walking around defeated, will you not continue to be defeated? Do you not realise this is the plan of the enemy, to wear you down, battle after battle so that you lose your morale? As when you lose your morale, you lose your will to fight and then you become weak, depressed and downcast. The enemy then pushes you back, gaining more territory in the world, for you give up.


You give up praying, you give up worshipping, you give up praising Me, you give up binding up each other’s wounds, you give up all hope for deliverance and rescue. Does this not have to do with your mindset during battle? You focus on the strain, the pain the hardship of the battle rather than looking at the glorious opportunity of pushing back the darkness, of gaining ground on the enemy. Of making the enemy shake and tremble in fear because you push forward with all your might, energy and enthusiasm. As you understand there are wounds and injuries in battle, however the sweetness of victory makes it all worth it.


The opportunity to turn some of the enemy’s opponents to join your side. The opportunity to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Do not be weak. Do not be downcast. Lift your eyes and see, you already have the victory in Me. So go out and fight My precious ones. Be not afraid of the enemy for what can he do to you? This life is temporary, and I watch over your soul.


I do not leave you alone to fight. I am with you and you receive angelic assistance to help you push back darkness. If you need refreshment, come drink of Me and eat of Me for My flesh is real food, and My blood is real drink. Partake of Me and you will find refreshment for your souls. I am proud of you for not giving up the fight even if you at times feel to do so.


Arise My precious ones, arise! Continue the fight while it is still day. Push back the darkness through prayer, worship and praise. Gain your strength through intimacy with Me. Receive My encouragement in our quiet times together. Still your heart and mind so you can hear Me speak. I am coming back for you. Do not lose heart. I love you My precious ones.”


Here are the scriptures the Lord gave with this word:


Matthew 24:31, Revelation 21:4, Ephesians 6:12, Matthew 22:44


Be blessed 😊


By Adele Grobler

Soar boldly to greater heights!